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jQuery AJAX

Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is a group of technologies used by a browser to asynchronously send and fetch data from the server. People want websites that feel faster and responsive, almost similar to desktop applications. Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Bing Maps etc. have blurred the lines between desktop and website applications and the technology that makes this possible is Ajax. Ajax can breathe life into any user interface.

Why jQuery for Ajax?

Browsers are not entirely consistent with regard to their implementations of the XMLHttpRequest object, but jQuery has its suite of AJAX functions which offer some significant improvements over the native JavaScript AJAX features, as they are a lot consistent and easier to use.
At the heart of applying Ajax with jQuery’s is the $.ajax() function. If you open the jQuery source file, you will find that the $.ajax() functionality is a massive 370+ lines long piece of code and provides easy to use wrapper functions to perform many Ajax operations, including loading text, XML, Script, HTML and JSON data into our web applications.
The method takes the form:
    type: "GET",
    url: "/someurlhere",
    dataType: "json", // text, html, xml
    //additional settings come here

type represents the type of the request (GET or POST) you are making to the server. The default is GET. The url could be local (same domain) or remote (different domain).

Handling Callbacks
After the web browser sends off a request to the server using the XMLHttpRequest object, it waits for a response from the server. When the server responds, a callback function handles the server’s response. jQuery Ajax also provides ways of handling callbacks for success and failure.
Prior to jQuery 1.8, you could use success and failure callbacks in the following manner:
    type: "GET",
    url: "/someurlhere",
    dataType: "json", // text, html, xml
    success: yourSuccessCallback,
    error: yourErrorCallback
function yourSuccessCallback(data_returned, status) {
    // code comes here
function yourErrorCallback(request, status, error) {
    // code comes here
As of jQuery 1.8, .success() and .error() are deprecated and replaced with .done() and .fail().
  • .done(response, status, jqXHR) - called when the response from the server is successful
  • .fail(jqXHR, status, error) - called when the response from the server fails or the request times out.
  • .always(response, status, jqXHR) - Always called when a response is received from the server
You can call these functions directly on $.ajax() in the following manner:
    type: "GET",
    url: "/someurlhere",
    dataType: "json" // text, html, xml
}).done(function () {
    //call is successful
}).fail(function () {
    //call has failed
}).always(function () {
    //always execute despite failure/success
However a cleaner approach is to save the returned value of $.ajax() into a variable and then declare the callback functions on that variable. This is possible due to Deferreds which manages callbacks in a much elegant way.
var x = $.ajax({
    type: "GET",
    url: "/someurlhere",
    dataType: "json" // text, html, xml
x.done(function () {
    //call is successful
x.fail(function () {
    //call has failed
x.always(function () {
    //always execute despite failure/success
The advantage of this approach is that it is cleaner and you can have multiple .done() and .fail() callbacks defined on the variable.