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Get started with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

Get started with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova
You can use Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova to build apps that run on iOS, Android, and Windows devices and share nearly 100% of your code (learn more).
In this guide, we'll give you a tour of what you can do with these tools. Along the way, you'll build a basic app that looks like this.

Weather app

You can find the complete sample here.
It's not much, but when you're done, this process won't seem so mysterious. In fact, it's fun and relatively simple. Where you take things from there is up to you and your imagination.
Before we begin, make sure that you have the tools installed. See install Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.
If you're ready to go, let's start.

First, create a project

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new Blank App project and name it WeatherApp (You can find it under JavaScript->Apache Cordova Apps in the New Project dialog box).

    Project template locations

    Note: If you like TypeScript, there's a template for that under TypeScript->Apache Cordova Apps.
    After you create the project, your solution should resemble the following:

    Solution Explorer

Quick tour of the project

There's a lot of files in your project. Don't worry too much about understanding them all right away. Peruse this section to get a sense for what each one does. Over time, you'll naturally incorporate more of these files into your workflow.

The configuration files of your project

You'll find these files in the root of your project.

root files

This table gives you the basic idea of how you might use each one.
File Why is it in your project?
bower.json This file manages the Bower packages dependencies of your app.
Bower is a package manager. We won't use it in this guide, but you can learn more about it here.
build.json This file contains parameters that Visual Studio uses to build a signed Android package.
We won't create one in this guide, but you can learn more about it here.
config.xml Contains the settings of your app.
We'll change these settings later in this guide.
taco.json Defines which version of the Cordova CLI Visual Studio uses to build the project.

The folders of your project


This folder contains the HTML, JavaScript, style sheets, and images that you want to use in your app.

www folder

It already contains some files, so this app can be run right out of the box. You can modify these files or add more as you build your app.


This folder contains the HTML, JavaScript, and style sheet files that apply to specific platforms.

merges folder

When you build your app, all files and folders in the merges/platform are copied into the final folder structure, overwriting any files with the same names in the root project.
For example, the scripts/platformOverrides.js file is replaced by the merges/android/scripts/platformoverrides.js file on Android. This is how you can incorporate platform-specific code.

root files

Use this same approach to merge CSS, images and anything else.


This folder contains icons, splash screens, signing certificates and any other platform-specific files.

res folder

Run your app

  1. On the Standard toolbar, choose the Ripple – Nexus (Galaxy) button.
    Ripple Emulator
    Your app opens in Apache Ripple and it looks like this because we haven't added any code yet.

    Ripple Emulator

    Apache Ripple is a free mobile simulator. If you haven't used it before, try a few things while you have it open. For example, change the device orientation or the platform and see how your app appears. Apache Ripple is probably the easiest way to see the effect of your changes as you develop.

    Change Device Orientation

  2. Stop the app. You'll find the button to stop it in the Standard Toolbar.
    Stop Debugging button
    You can also run your app in Android, iOS, and Windows device emulators. An emulator gives you a bit more of a realistic device experience.
    To see them all, choose any platform from the platform list on the Standard toolbar.


    Then, choose an emulator.


    Run your app in any of these emulators if you want, but don't use any of the iOS emulators yet because you need a Mac to use them, and setting up the connection between Visual Studio and the Mac is a little advanced for this guide.
    If you want to run your app on iOS, you can use the Ripple simulators. After you complete this guide, see This article for guidance on how to run your app in an iOS emulator or device.

Find app settings

To give your app a name, increment the version number, and control other aspects of your app's behavior, modify the global configuration file, config.xml.
You can modify it by using a designer, so you don't need to edit the XML directly unless you want to.
To open the designer, double click the config.xml file in your project.

Configuration Designer

Start Small: Build a basic app

Apps can be as complicated or as simple as you want them to be. The goal of this section is to build a very basic single page app that shows the weather conditions of any area in the United States.

Add packages

First, you'll add the JQuery and JQuery Mobile NuGet packages to your project.
If you're not familiar with JQuery, it's just a JavaScript library that makes certain tasks easier such as changing the properties of a control or handling it's events, and that's exactly what we'll use it for.
JQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized HTML5 UI framework, built on JQuery core, designed to make responsive web sites and apps that are accessible on all smartphone, tablet and desktop devices. It'll give us a quick way to style the application without having to do custom CSS work.
  1. Choose Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution, and add the jQuery NuGet package to your solution.

    JQuery Package

    Note: Because versions constantly change, the next few images will use x.x.x in place of version numbers.
  2. Add the jQuery.Mobile NuGet package to your solution.

    JQuery Package

    NuGet adds files to the Scripts folder of your project, but that's not really where we need them so we'll have to fix that.
  3. Drag those files to scripts subfolder of your www folder

    Drag Files

    Now they're in the correct location. But we still have a little work to do here. Nuget also adds CSS files to the Content folder so we'll have to fix that too.
  4. Drag the CSS files to css subfolder of your www folder.

    Drag Files

  5. Add this script reference to the <body> tag of your index.html file (at the bottom of the body section, where the other JavaScript references are located):
    <script src="scripts/jquery-x.x.x.min.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/jquery.mobile-x.x.x.min.js"></script>  
    Replace the x.x.x in these filenames with the versions that you've downloaded. For example, if you downloaded jQuery version 2.2.3, and jQuery mobile version 1.4.5, your references would look like this:
    <script src="scripts/jquery-2.2.3.min.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js"></script>  
  6. Add this style reference to the <head> tag of your index.html file, above the existing index.css reference:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.mobile-x.x.x.min.css" />  
    As you did in the previous example, replace x.x.x. with the version of JQuery mobile that you downloaded. If you downloaded jQuery mobile version 1.4.5, your reference would look like this:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css" />  

Design a page

index.html is the first page that appears when users run your app. So we'll add our HTML to that file. Of course, this is the default setting and you can change that at any time in the configuration designer.
  1. Open the index.css file and replace its content with the following css rules:
    .not-displayed {      display: none;  }    form {      border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;      padding-bottom: 5px;  }    #zip-code-input {      font-size: 25px;  }    #get-weather-btn {      font-size: 22px;  }    #title {      font-size: 16px;  }    #summary {      font-size: 35px;  }    #summary img {      float: right;  }    #error-msg {      text-align: center;      margin-top:  50%;      font-weight: bold;      }  
  2. Open the index.html file and remove this HTML. It's just a part of the default template that you run out of the box. We won't need it.
    <div class="app">    <p id="deviceready" class="event">Connecting to Device</p>  </div>  
  3. Add this HTML to the <body> of the page to give users a way to search for the weather and see the results.
    <div data-role="page" id="weather-page">        <div data-role="header" class="header">          <h1 id="app-title">Weather App</h1>          <a href="/" class="ui-btn ui-btn-left ui-btn-corner-all ui-icon-home ui-btn-icon-notext" rel="external">Home</a>      </div>        <div role="main" class="ui-content">          <form>              <label for="zip-code">Type your zip code:</label>              <input id="zip-code-input" name="zip-code" placeholder="eg. 98001" required />              <button id="get-weather-btn" data-role="button" data-icon="search">Find Weather</button>          </form>            <ul id="weather-data" data-role="listview" data-inset="true" class="ui-listview ui-listview-inset ui-corner-all ui-shadow not-displayed">              <li data-role="list-divider" id="title" class="ui-li-divider ui-bar-a"></li>              <li><span id="summary"><span id="temperature"></span> F <img src="" /></span></li>              <li>Wind: <span id="wind"></span> knots</li>              <li>Humidity: <span id="humidity"></span> %</li>              <li>Visibility: <span id="visibility"></span></li>              <li>Sunrise: <span id="sunrise"></span></li>              <li>Sunset: <span id="sunset"></span></li>          </ul>            <div id="error-msg" class="not-displayed">          </div>        </div>        <footer data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">          <h4>Visual Studio Tools for Cordova Demo</h4>      </footer>    </div>  

Handle a button event

  1. Open the index.js file and add the following line of code to the onDeviceReady function.
    This code refers to the ID of the 'Get Weather' button on the HTML page and handles the click event by passing in the name of a function (getWeather). You'll add that function shortly.
  2. While you're in this file, remove this code from the onDeviceReady function. It's just a part of the default template that you run out of the box. We won't need it.
    var element = document.getElementById("deviceready");  element.innerHTML = 'Device Ready';  element.className += ' ready';    

A quick look at index.js

This is a good time to quickly look at the index.js file. This file loads when the user runs the app. Why? Because the index.html page contains this reference to it:
<script src="scripts/index.js"></script>  
You'll notice a few things about the index.js file. First, all the code in that file is enclosed within an anonymous self-invoking function (or Immediately Invoked Function Expression, or IIFE). This is a fancy way of saying that this function executes automatically when the file loads.
(function () {      "use strict";      // all the stuff is in this function.  })();  
Enclosed in this function, you'll see an event handler that runs when the Cordova device APIs are fully loaded.
function onDeviceReady() {        // TODO: Cordova has been loaded. Perform any initialization that requires Cordova here.  };  
So what exactly do we mean by Cordova device APIs? These are APIs that you'd use to interact with device capabilities such as the camera or accelerometer. If you want to run any code like this when the app first starts, make sure you add that code or call those functions from inside of this event handler. In fact, later on, we'll do just that.

Get a free API Key

We'll use the OpenWeatherMap API to get weather data. To use the free version of this service, get a key here.

Add code to get the weather

Now we'll add the getWeather function that we're using to handle button's click event. But first, let's add a JavaScript file for that function.
  1. In Solution Explorer, find the scripts sub-folder in your www folder.

    Scripts Folder

  2. Right-click the scripts folder, and then choose Add -> New JavaScript file.
  3. Name the file weather.js, and then choose the Add button.
  4. Open the weather.js file and add the following function. Replace Your_Key_Here with the key that you got from OpenWeatherMap.
    var OpenWeatherAppKey = "Your_Key_Here";    function getWeatherWithZipCode() {      var zipcode = $('#zip-code-input').val();      var queryString =        'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip='        + zipcode + ',us&appid=' + OpenWeatherAppKey + '&units=imperial';      $.getJSON(queryString, function (results) {          showWeatherData(results);          }).fail(function (jqXHR) {            $('#error-msg').show();            $('#error-msg').text("Error retrieving data. " + jqXHR.statusText);        });          return false;  }    function showWeatherData(results) {      if (results.weather.length) {          $('#error-msg').hide();        $('#weather-data').show();          $('#title').text(results.name);        $('#temperature').text(results.main.temp);        $('#wind').text(results.wind.speed);        $('#humidity').text(results.main.humidity);        $('#visibility').text(results.weather[0].main);          var sunriseDate = new Date(results.sys.sunrise);        $('#sunrise').text(sunriseDate.toLocaleTimeString());          var sunsetDate = new Date(results.sys.sunrise);        $('#sunset').text(sunsetDate.toLocaleTimeString());      } else {        $('#weather-data').hide();        $('#error-msg').show();        $('#error-msg').text("Error retrieving data. ");    }  }    
    This function gets a zip code from the input box, and uses a free service to get the weather for that zip code. The rest of this code uses JQuery syntax to populate controls on the page with data from the service.
    Now we're still missing a step. We have to refer to this new JavaScript file in our HTML page so let's do that now.
  5. Open the index.html page, and add this reference to the <body> of the page (at the bottom of the body section, where the other JavaScript references are located).
    <script src="scripts/weather.js"></script>  
    When you're done, your script reference should look something like the following.
    <script src="scripts/jquery-2.2.0.min.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js"></script>  <script src="cordova.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/platformOverrides.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/index.js"></script>  <script src="scripts/weather.js"></script>  
  6. Add http://api.openweathermap.org to the page's Content Security Policy (CSP). The CSP is just a line of HTML that is located inside of the <head>. Use it to declare approved origins of content that browsers should be allowed to load on your website. It looks like this:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap:  https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">  
    Add http://api.openweathermap.org just after https://ssl.gstatic.com in that line to give this page permission to get content from the Yahoo weather service and map service. When you're done, your CSP will look like this:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap:   http://api.openweathermap.org https://ssl.gstatic.com 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self'   'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">             
    Note: Content Security Policy (CSP) is a computer security standard introduced to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking and other code injection attacks resulting from execution of malicious content in the trusted web page context. You can read more about it here: http://content-security-policy.com/

Run your app in an Emulator

Let's run the app, but this time let's use an emulator.
  1. In the list of Android emulators, choose the one of the VS Emulator 5 to run your app.

    Android Emulator

    Note: According to your PC configuration some warnings or errors might appear, like firewall alerts or a message that indicating that the emulator must run in elevated mode. If you receive the following error, stop the Android Debug Bridge process (adb.exe):

    Android Emulator Error
  2. In the Android emulator, type a valid United States zip code into the edit box (for example: 33101), and then press the Get Weather button.
    Weather data for that region appears in the controls.

    Weather App

    What's great here is that this app is completely cross platform. If you have a little extra time, run this app in a Windows Phone emulator.
    Note: You should test your app on as many physical devices (running on as many Operating System versions) as you can. Emulators and Simulators can behave different than a real device on certain circumstances and respond at different speeds. For example, an app may work in the simulator without a problem, but it may fail on a real device, or it can run faster on the device compared with an emulator. More information here.

Find and fix problems

A big benefit of Visual Studio is its powerful debugger. If you're already familiar with it, you can skip this section. If you're not, let's take a quick tour of some things that you can do.

Set breakpoints and conditional breakpoints

You can set a breakpoint on any line of executable code (including the JavaScript code). Look at the state of the Apache Cordova application, monitor variable values, and review call stacks.
Execution Break

Use the JavaScript Console

This console appears when your Cordova app starts. If it doesn't, it's easy enough to open. Just choose Debug -> Windows -> JavaScript Console.
You can use the console.log method to log messages and then view those messages in the console. You can also use the console to execute any JavaScript function while the application is running. Learn more about the JavaScript Console.

Use the Document Object Model (DOM) Explorer

Use the DOM Explorer to find and fix layout issues in your pages. Examine the structure of your pages as they render and then tweak them while the app is running.
To open the DOM Explorer, choose Debug -> Windows -> DOM Explorer while the app is running. Learn more about the DOM Explorer.

Edit page title

Access a device capability

Most likely you'll want your app to do more than just show web pages on a mobile device. You might want your app to store files, receive push notifications, or capture images by using the device's camera. This is where a plugin becomes handy. Apache Cordova uses plugins to provide access to native device capabilities that aren't available to simple web apps.
You can find some of the more commonly used plug-ins in the Core page of the app's configuration designer.

Configuration Designer

Cordova plugins registry offers hundreds of other plugins. To add them, you'll have to edit the config.xml file directly. You can find guidance about how to do that here.
Use the Custom page to add plugins that don't appear in the Cordova plugins registry. These could be plugins that you or a colleague create for some specific purpose and then save to your local drive or to a GitHub repository. This document explains how to add a custom plugin.
Let's add a plug-in that gives us access to the device's geolocation system. That way, we can get the weather of a user's current location.
  1. Open the configuration designer, and choose the Plugins tab.
  2. Choose the Geolocation plugin, and then choose the Add button.

    Geolocation plugin

    This adds the plug-in to your project but you still have to know how to consume it in your app. To do that, open the Readme.md file. You'll find it in the plugins folder as shown in this image.

    Readme File

    Let's add some code that consumes this plugin.
  3. In the weather.js file add the following code right after the getWeather function
  4. Open the weather.js file and add the following function. Replace Your_Key_Here with the key that you got from OpenWeatherMap.
     function getWeatherWithGeoLocation() {      navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onGetLocationSuccess, onGetLocationError,      { enableHighAccuracy: true });      $('#error-msg').show();    $('#error-msg').text('Determining your current location ...');      $('#get-weather-btn').prop('disabled', true);  }  function onGetLocationSuccess(position) {    var latitude = position.coords.latitude;  var longitude = position.coords.longitude;    var queryString =    'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat='      + latitude + '&lon=' + longitude + '&appid=' + OpenWeatherAppKey + '&units=imperial';    $('#get-weather-btn').prop('disabled', false);    $.getJSON(queryString, function (results) {        showWeatherData(results);        }).fail(function (jqXHR) {          $('#error-msg').show();          $('#error-msg').text("Error retrieving data. " + jqXHR.statusText);  });    }  function onGetLocationError(error) {      $('#error-msg').text('Error getting location');    $('#get-weather-btn').prop('disabled', false);  }      
    This code uses the device's geolocation capability to get the latitude and longitude of the device's location. It then gets the weather for that location.
  5. Open the index.js file, and add the following code to the onDeviceReady function.
    The onDeviceReady function should look like this.
     function onDeviceReady() {      // Handle the Cordova pause and resume events      document.addEventListener( 'pause', onPause.bind( this ), false );      document.addEventListener('resume', onResume.bind(this), false);        $('#get-weather-btn').click(getWeatherWithZipCode);       getWeatherWithGeoLocation();  };  
  6. Run the app.
    When your app starts, the label Determining your current location ... appears. After a brief period of time, the weather data for your location appears in the app.
    Note: If you use the Apache Ripple emulator, you'll have to configure it with your location.

    Change Apache Ripple emulator location

Tailor the app to a platform

The code that you used to get the device's location works pretty well across all platforms, but what if it didn't? What if you had to write extra code to get the location of an iOS device?
This is where the merges folder becomes useful. We touched on that folder earlier in this article. Now let's try a few basic things.

Tailor the behavior of your app

  1. In Solution Explorer, expand the www folder, and then the scripts folder.
  2. Right-click the weather.js file, and choose Copy.
  3. In Solution Explorer, expand the android sub-folder in your merges folder.
  4. Right-click the scripts folder, and then choose paste.
    You now have a copy of the weather.js in the android folder.

    Platform-Specific Javascript File

  5. In the weather.js file (located in the merges/android/scripts folder), add the following code to the getLocation method.
    $('#app-title').text("Android Weather");  
  6. Run your app in the Apache Ripple Simulator.
    The app now has the title Android Weather because the index.js file in the android folder replaces the index.js file in the www folder for the Android version of your app.

    Tailor the behavior

    Making a copy of a file this large to change one line of code is an extreme example, but you can begin to imagine the possibilities, and you can always refactor your code in ways that leverage the merges folder more efficiently.
    The readme file of each plug-in will tell you what sort of device-specific code you'll have to write.

Tailor the appearance of your app

In some cases, you'll have to tweak the layout of your pages so that they appear correctly for one type of device or another.
  1. Return to the android sub-folder in your merges folder.
  2. Right-click the android folder, choose Add -> New Folder, and name the folder css.
  3. Right-click the css folder, and then choose Add -> New CSS file.
  4. Name the file index.css, and then choose the Add button.
    You now have a file named index.css in both the android folder and the www folder.

    Platform-Specific style sheet File

  5. Replace the contents of the new index.css file with the following code.
    .not-displayed {      display: none;  }    form {      border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;      padding-bottom: 5px;  }    #zip-code-input {      font-size: 25px;  }    #get-weather-btn {      font-size: 22px;  }    #title {      font-size: 16px;  }    #summary {      font-size: 35px;  }    #summary img {      float: right;  }    #error-msg {      text-align: center;      margin-top:  50%;      font-weight: bold;      }    ui-bar-inherit.ui-header.header {      background-color: #3388cc;      border-color: #3388cc;      color: #ffffff;      text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #005599;  }  
    Note that the styles defined are identical to the www version of the index.css file, with the exception of these element:
    .ui-bar-inherit.ui-header.header {      background-color: #3388cc;      border-color: #3388cc;      color: #ffffff;      text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #005599;  }  
    This is a simple example of what you can do by using the merge folder. A more effective approach would be to use a separate css file for platform-specific styles.
  6. Run your app in the Apache Ripple Simulator.
    The app header has a blue background because the index.css file in the android folder replaces the index.css file in the www folder for the Android version of your app.

    Tailor the appearance

Next steps

Congratulations on building your first cross-platform mobile app. Although this topic gets you started, there's so much more to learn.
Here are a few ideas about what you can explore next on your journey to build mobile apps with HTML and JavaScript and Visual Studio.
Explore the plug-in registry
see Search Cordova Plugins.
Tip: If find a plugin that doesn't appear in the Plugins tab of configuration designer, you can still use it. Learn more.
Try using Bower to add a package to your project
see Add packages by using Bower.
Learn about other great ways to leverage the Visual Studio debugger
see Debugger Basics.
Explore the many JavaScript frameworks out there
Search online. They're everywhere! Here's a couple of them: AngularJS, and Ionic.
Get a Mac and then run your app in an iOS emulator, or on an iOS device
See Setup guide: Target iOS mobile devices in a Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova project.
Tack on an Azure backend - it's free to try
see Connect a cloud service.
Take a look at TypeScript - it's fully supported in your project
see Use TypeScript.

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